
Ron Artest's new song 'Champions'

If you ask most people would say that the Lakers forward Ron Artest is a certified nutcase. He admitted to drinking Hennessey and Cognac during GAMES while he played with the Bulls, he thanked his psychiatrist moments after winning the NBA Finals, and who can forget the UFC-style brawl he had with Pistons fans after a guy threw a cup of beer at him... I mean this guys life has been a series of nigga moments.

But rite after he thanked his psychiatrist and God and everyone else on the To-Do list he plugged that his new single 'Champions' would be dropping real soon. I thought he had to be kidding..but he wasn't days later his single surfaces on the internet and it's not bad at all. It has a hot beat, the hook and the beat flow together and his bars are kinda nice on it. I gotta say I'm pleasantly surprised by this one, even tho im not exactly hoping that an album comes out. Crazy thing about this song...Artest wrote it 7 months ago. Listen to it here


Rappers u should know...Mac Miller

Just like black people can be President, white people can rap. Maybe not the best analogy but you get the point, people defy stereotypes all the time and Mac Miller is a perfect example of that. This teenager from Pittsburgh has a smooth flow thats turning some heads in hip-hop. Many of his songs fall into the same category of mary jane jams much like his fellow Pennsylvanian Wiz Khalifa. Mac's most popular mixtape to date is 'The High Life' but his more recent 'Sour Hour' has some hot tracks too. CHeck out So GOne, and the Crumblin 'erb freestyle from Mac Miller.

Heres his video that just dropped and debuted on 'Nikes on my Feet'


'Dick Slang' ...When dances go too far

So I'm on Youtube and I come across one of the most odd homemade dance videos I've ever seen. Since Soulja Boy came out and became a millionaire off of catchy dance songs and subsequent ringtone sales EVERYONE has been trying make a dance and strike it rich (See GS Boyz, New Boyz). However one group of friends just took it too far. The dance and song they do called the 'dick slang' is just what the name suggests; these guys get in a circle, cheer each other on, and slang their genitalia around in their pants. Weird right?

Im still trying to decide what's worse: the fact that grown black men have nothing better to do than shake the snake around in their pants or the fact that this is the most gangsta-homo-thug wannabe hip-hop that I've seen pop up on Youtube in a while. This is one of those videos thats a little weird but hard to turn away from...pause. I think the key to the dance is wearing loose-fitting basketball shorts or sweatpants then swinging your hips like your hoola-hooping while your 'half mass'. But don't take my word for it watch the vid on youtube by clicking here

An asian guy named TimothyDeLaGhetto does a funny commentary on the dance you can watch that here


Where was I this semester?

I got a lot of facebook messages, a lot of Twitter DMs, and a bunch of emails all asking the same question. Where was your Grandmas favorite Dj, DJ PorterPotty this past semester. Simple, I was in Spain/Morroco/AMsterdam/London/Switzerland/Germany doin ish you never done before...tune into the show to hear some of the sick stories I have. Its amazing what happens to you when you're one of 3 black guys in Europe


It's not often that I buy an Album. Seriously the last album I bought was 'Graduation' by Kanye West. But this...this ish rite here nicca? Is a masterpiece. Nas and Damian Marley hook up for a Reggae Fusion album that has all the elements of great hip-hop. It's innovative, entertaining, and definitely bluntworhty. The over all theme of it is Africa and unity...if your looking for a break from all that whips, chains and ho's rap this is the album for you. This album definitely adds a point for Nas in the whole Jay-Z v. Nas debate #imjussaying ... it sold 76,000 total copies in the first week, not bad. Tracks to look out for are 'Nah Mean', 'Land of Promise' and 'My Generation' ft. Lil Wayne

Welcome to Affirmative Rappin

Wassup. This is Dj Porterpotty, I hope yall are having a great start to summer. Eating some ice cream, spying on girls in booty shorts and helping your grandma with her vegetable garden. Im here to let you know that your great summer just got greater-er, the Official Affirmative Rappin Blog is here. This where you'll get exclusive show interviews, Album/Mixtape reviews, and a heads up on the up and coming artist we at WMUC are listening to....Stayed tuned